"Let your roots grow down into Christ and draw up nourishment from Him, so you will grow in faith, strong and vigorous in the truth you were taught. Let your lives overflow with thanksgiving for all He has done."
Colossians 2:7
This was the verse we used to dedicate Charlotte at church. It was such a special moment that we were able to share with Grandma and Grandpa Stevenson. She was the star of the show of course, pointing and talking the entire time we were on stage. She even raised her hand in the air during the worship songs...hilarious!
This past month Matt and I have been reminiscing a lot about how far we have come from so desperately wanting to start our family, to fertility treatments, to pregnancy and now we are planning Charlotte's one year birthday! I know everyone says it goes fast, but no one said it goes at super sonic speeds...slow down!!! Here is what Charlie has been up to!
-She has become a lot more aware of things around her and understands more and more. She pointed to the clouds for the first time and got really excited. I love discovering the world again through her eyes.
- She can now point to her head, ears and nose. Although when you ask her where her head is, she slaps the side of her head and waits for you to say "BONK" then laughs hysterically.
- She is becoming more stable while walking and takes 3-4 steps at a time alone but cries and prefers to hold onto a finger...not your hand, or thumb or anything else. It has to be a single finger, and she will grab your hand and fix it before she takes another step!
- Oh and she loves unrolling the toilet paper, sigh...
Here are some photos!
Charlotte in my Great Grandmother's bonnet . |
"look Joy (the owl) I'm 11 months old" |
reading her bedtime story |
Her dedication wearing the cross necklace Nana and Papaw got her. |
Family photo before the dedication. Thanks number 81 (?) for the photo bomb! |
Happy Valentines day! |
Best friends looking out the window together. |
She loves the ducks! |
Run 4 the Children, 4 mile road race. |
I got First Loser (according to Matt) aka 2nd place in my age group! |
She wanted to run too! |
Charlotte and Matt....Identical! |
Trip to the aquarium....She loved the fish as long as they were smaller then her. |
The End :) |
That stuffed owl keeps getting smaller and smaller next to Charlotte : ) So exciting that she takes a few steps by herself. Before you know it she will be running and you will be chasing!