Friday, June 14, 2013

life lately...

So, since the last post a lot has happened.  Matt and I no longer have a baby, we have a full fledged toddler! Where does the time go? She is so stinking cute these days, but I'm a little biased of course. Here are some things Charlotte has been up to...

                       -She is walking/running everywhere, and getting into EVERYTHING.
                       -Everyday she adds a new word to her favorites are turtle, yellow, and pretty. 
                       - She loves her big (hairy) brother Buddy and loves throwing the ball for him, and thinks it's
                         hilarious when he sneezes.
                       - She is very shy!
                       - She loves bubbles...who doesn't love bubbles! 
                       - She loves going to story time at the library and dances the whole time.
                       - We took our first long car ride to Oklahoma, and she did fabulous!! And loved seeing her  
                         Aunt Gigi and Uncle Scott...and her furry cousins Nova and Phoenix!
                       - Her favorite foods at the moment are cheese, peas, and "Quackers" 
 She is just amazing, I could go on forever...but I'll just get to the pictures! 

 First Birthday party! It was cold, and WINDY! But none the less it was a great time and we are so thankful for great friends here in Houston. On her actual birthday we stole Matt from work and went to the Children's Museum.

Her second Easter! It was so much fun this year.
Bath time, bed time, play time!
Zoo, pool, and new helmet for the bike trailer! 
My beautiful toddler...I love you!