Sunday, August 12, 2012

5 months!

       This past month we have been BUSY! Charlotte took her first plane ride, her first trip to Purdue, and she even went to her first baseball game. She is eating soooo much better now that I forced  asked my pediatrician for reflux medication. She had all the symptoms, arching back, slow weight gain, wet burps then screaming, etc.... not to mention only eating for a few minutes at a time, I was about ready to give up and give her formula. I'm so glad I stuck with it, now she eats for 25-30 min at a time and actually enjoys eating and no longer screams in pain. Her chunky thighs are the cutest thing ever, and so reassuring that she is gaining weight! She is now rolling over from her back to her belly, and much to my dismay I usually find her sleeping on her belly...sigh! She is now very active and no longer sits still...the 5 month photo shoot was much more challenging...She lunges for everything! She has even been getting on her knees slightly to scoot towards her toys, I'm not ready for her to start crawling....that's for sure! She loves to chew on her cold teething rings and her frozen foot (teething toy). She "talks" constantly and is laughing more and more. Her face lights up when you start singing "the wheels on the bus" (thanks nana). Her favorite toys are her Pet Tails book, and Sophie the giraffe. Here are some pictures from the last month....
Meeting Uncle Andy for the first time.

Loves her new jumparoo.

Most of our pictures look like this...

or this...haha! 

Her hair is starting to grow! 

First plane ride! 

Paci a must! 

First baseball game! 

I got the rest of her diapers in the mail! So excited! 

How I usually find her sleeping, butt in the air and leg between the slats. 

She loves her Buddy and "talks" to him constantly!