I cannot believe summer is over! Although, I am very much ready for cooler weather. Placing 3 kids in car seats when it is over 100 degrees is brutal!! Charlotte, Owen, and Max are growing daily and I love the craziness. I find myself holding Charlotte longer when she is crying, breathing in the boys, and cherishing every moment. While I get sad to think we will most likely not have another baby, and each stage that ends will be the last...I look forward to every new phase of life with these 3 amazing kids (and no more diapers!).
Charlotte this summer has flourished! She is really becoming an awesome little girl! She loves to dance around the house, and we signed her up for ballet and tap this school year. She has started to draw pictures of the family and her imagination is just incredible. She loves knock knock jokes at dinner time, and loves to be silly and make us laugh.
Owen is my sweet little snuggle bug. He loves to hug and will squeeze back, its really cute! He is content most of the time. He has started to become more active and is no longer army crawling. He has a huge smile on his face every time he walks around the house with the walker. His first word was dada, and has since said mama. He mostly babbles B sounds. He loves to roll a ball back and forth and thinks its hilarious if it hits him in the head. He loves to eat cheese and toast. He gets really excited when he hears the ice maker go off in the fridge...the kid loves his ice water!
Max is my active guy, who's a mamas boy for sure! He loves to explore and is content to just crawl all over the place. He has the best belly laugh, and is very ticklish. His first word was dada as well, and says mama and dog. He loves to chase or be chased by Charlotte. He also loves to play with cars. He still prefers pureed foods, but has started to like to eat peas, and cheese. He gets excited when dada gets home from work and if he's on the ground he crawls so fast to greet Matt.
Here are some pictures from the last few months, enjoy!
Celebrating Grandma's birthday and meeting baby Avery! |
Zoo, Charlotte's web at Oil Ranch company picnic, and swimming! |
Surprise visit to Indiana for Nana and Papaw's birthdays! |
4th of July, Charlotte prefers quiet fireworks, ha! |
Preparing Charlotte for the dentist, and those mischievous little guys! |
Another lake visit. Love spending time with Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Scott, Aunt Gigi and Baby Avery! |
Exploration park, an amazing new park in our neighborhood! |
The boys at 7 months on the top, 8 months on the bottom. |
9 months on the top and 10 months on the bottom....where has the time gone? |